Intelligence Bureau Solved OM-07 Paper 27-07-2022 - IB Paper Solved
Intelligence Bureau (IB) Pakistan
Intelligence Bureau (IB) Pakistan is the earliest Intelligence agency. Intelligence Bureau is the civilian intelligence agency known as IB Pakistan. It is established on 17 August 1947. All meetings and administration of Intelligence Bureau operations are approved by the Prime Minister of Pakistan..
The head office of IB is situated in Islamabad, Pakistan. The main objective of the Intelligence Bureau is to keep an eye on politicians and political activities. It is working against terrorism to counter the secret agencies of other countries.
Dr Suleman Khan is the Director-General of Intelligence Bureau Pakistan. The Director-General of IB directly reports to the Prime Minister of Pakistan about its operations.
Powers of Intelligence bureau (IB) Pakistan
The IB secret agents are not allowed to arrest formally. IB officials do report to FIA to further arrest the suspects and further proceed with the interrogation.
IB also proceeds filtration on intelligence between police, other law enforcement forces, and intelligence community of Pakistan.
The Bureau allows mandatory security clearances to judges and Pakistani diplomats to prior they take the oath
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