Unblock Outgoing SMS Blocked By PTA (FORM)
If you have violated the terms of sending SMS then may face
the problem of outgoing SMS. PTA will suspend the outgoing of your mobile
PTA SMS Sending Limit
The limit of sending SMS is 200 in 15 minutes. If you send
the SMS above then 200 in 15 minutes then can also face this issue.
How to Restore SMS Outgoing
First download the affidavit of PTA.
Fill the Affidavit.
Send it to complaint@pta.gov.pk
Your issue will be resolve in working 48 hours.
How to fill the Affidavit
First of all write your Name, Father Name, CNIC, and address.
Now in point (i) you may write the network SIM you are
using and the mobile number.
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